Business Solutions at BJC
BJC HealthCare's mission to improve the health of our communities extends beyond the walls of our hospitals. We are committed to working with local employers to ensure the health of their employees through a variety of workplace offerings.

We are the occupational medicine division of BJC HealthCare. Our goal is to keep your employees healthy and safe by working with employers to prevent injuries and to provide effective evidence-based care when an injury does occur.

We all need to seek help and consultation at some point in our lives. Whether it’s helping you navigate life’s transitions, improve your experience at work, or maximize your physical and emotional wellbeing, we are here to help.

BJC has developed direct-to-employer (D2E) health benefit plan options that can help employers reduce their medical and pharmacy costs and associated risks. BJC’s D2E plans offer employees and their dependents high-quality health benefit options, often with lower out-of-pocket costs and easier access to care.
BJC HealthSolutions
Your employees are critical to the success of your business. With BJC HealthSolutions, we’ve created an opportunity for self-funded employers to reduce cost, offer employees improved benefit coverage, often at lower out-of-pocket costs, and partner with a world-class health system.
More about BJC HealthSolutions
BJC Center of Excellence
BJC HealthCare and WashU Medicine have created a preferred provider plan design uniquely available for employers located outside of the St. Louis metropolitan area, BJC Center of Excellence (COE), which provides access to high-quality care for complex health conditions while better managing costs for employers, employees, and their families.